European Association
of Sugar Manufacturers

European Association
of Sugar Manufacturers

8 09, 2021

Joint Declaration - The European Parliament must not make the Farm to Fork strategy untenable for the agri-food sector

By |2021-09-08T08:57:48+00:00September 8th, 2021|

On Thursday, the ENVI and AGRI Committees of the European Parliament will vote on their draft report presenting their official reaction to the Farm to Fork strategy. While the first studies on the impact of the strategy launched by the Commission in 2020 show extremely worrisome trends, MEPs are planning to call for several additional [...]

11 06, 2021


By |2023-09-15T09:39:50+00:00June 11th, 2021|

The EU Commission has recently launched its Trade Policy Review. CEFS calls upon the EU to develop a policy that allows the EU sugar industry to compete on a sustainable level playing field globally. Sustainability has been at the heart of the EU sugar sector for a long time. However, most other sugar producing [...]

1 06, 2021

CEFS Webinar on Trade Trade Agreements 17.06

By |2021-06-01T08:38:26+00:00June 1st, 2021|

CEFS Webinar Trade Policy programme 17.06 Mark your calendar: Thursday 17 June, 11.30am CEFS invites key stakeholders and decision-makers to join the discussion on the case of sugar in the FreeTradeAgreements, with Member of the European Parliament Marie-Pierre Vedrenne, Ms Rueda-Catry from the cabinet of Commissioner Dombrovskis and Paul Mesters President CEFS. The webinar will [...]

20 05, 2021

Farm to Fork: European farming and agri-food community joint statement

By |2021-05-20T08:11:06+00:00May 20th, 2021|

Today marks one year since the Farm to Fork strategy was presented in Brussels by the European Commission. CEFS joined more than 30 organizations of the European farming and agri food community in a joint statement. After a year of intense debate, the strategy still raises many questions and a number of concerns. Read the [...]

29 04, 2021

CEFS and EFFAT joint project: “A transforming European sugar industry - New and better jobs in a competitive, innovative and sustainable industry”

By |2021-04-29T12:35:39+00:00April 29th, 2021|

On 27 April, the 1st workshop of the joint CEFS-EFFAT sugar project brought together around 60 experts discussing the key role of the sugar industry for jobs, innovation and sustainability. Today, beet sugar factories offer skilled, remunerative industrial employment at the heart of the rural communities. In some of the EU’s most vulnerable rural areas, [...]

20 04, 2021

CEFS-CIBE press release: The EU Strategic interests and values should be better reflected through enforcement and assertiveness

By |2021-04-25T21:32:29+00:00April 20th, 2021|

On 19 April 2021, the Civil Dialogue Group on SUGAR which meets twice a year discussed the trade dimension of the Green Deal and Farm to Fork Strategy. In the joint press release CEFS and CIBE highlight how a level playing field, sustainable and fair trade, and enforcement of Free Trade Agreements is key for [...]