European Association
of Sugar Manufacturers

European Association
of Sugar Manufacturers

Cefs Sugar Europe2024-09-12T08:44:34+00:00

Representing a sustainable European sugar industry

For the economy

Europe’s beet sugar factories employ approximately 24,000 highly skilled workers in rural areas where few alternatives exist.

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For the planet

Our sector is committed to making sugar sustainably. We are working hard to meet the objectives of the EU Green Deal and are continuously striving to reduce our environmental impact.

For our Food

Sugar is a carbohydrate. Carbohydrates are the most important fuel for our brains and provide our bodies with the energy our organs need.

  • Press statement - Clean Industrial Deal & Affordable Energy Action Plan: a First Step, but Energy-Intensive Primary Food Processing Must Not Be Forgotten in Future Initiatives

  • Press statement - Vision for Agriculture & Food Fails to Acknowledge the Critical Role of Primary Food Processing

  • CEFS Contribution: EU Clean Industrial Deal