Sortir du carcan règlementaire pour regagner notre souveraineté alimentaire en assurant durablement notre indépendance énergétique.
Escaping the regulatory straitjacket to regain our food sovereignty by sustainably ensuring our energy independence.
Committee adopts pragmatic approach to Renewable Energy Directive Revision
European Parliament calls for no concessions on sugar in EU-India trade talks
How the EU sugar sector's decarbonisation can support EU food and energy security
REPowerEU: How the self-use of biomass residues can support energy independence
A transforming European sugar industry - New and better jobs in a competitive, sustainable and innovative industry
The EU Sugar Industry Corporate Social Responsibility Report 2020-21
CEFS Statistics 2020/21
Press Statement on the Commission's Communication on safeguarding food security and reinforcing the resilience of food systems
Press Statement on RePowerEU: Joint European action for more affordable, secure and sustainable energy
CEFS Press Statement on the Final EFSA Scientific Opinion on the Tolerable Upper Intake Level for Dietary Sugars
CEFS European Sugar Statistics Report for the Marketing Year 2020/21