European Association
of Sugar Manufacturers

European Association
of Sugar Manufacturers

28 06, 2018

CEFS elects Paul Mesters as new President

By |2018-06-29T13:08:29+00:00June 28th, 2018|

CEFS General Assembly elects Paul Mesters as new President 22 June 2018: During the 2018 CEFS Congress in Valencia the CEFS General Assembly elected Paul Mesters for his first term as President of the association. Paul Mesters has been Chief Executive Officer of the Netherlands’ sole sugar producer Suiker Unie since June 2017. Before that [...]

27 06, 2018

BREXIT: the position of the European sugar sector

By |2018-06-27T08:13:53+00:00June 27th, 2018|

CEFS-CIBE POSITION ON BREXIT EU beet sugar manufacturers, represented by CEFS, and sugar beet growers, represented by CIBE, regret the departure of the UK from the EU.[1] We remain convinced that the best option to avoid disruption of EU-UK trade and of the EU sugar market itself would be for the UK to remain in [...]

4 06, 2018

The EU-Mercosur negotiations: trade for all?

By |2018-06-04T09:54:57+00:00June 4th, 2018|

Representing European sugar manufacturers, sugar beet growers, and employees respectively, CEFS, CIBE and EFFAT are watching with concern the ongoing EU-Mercosur trade negotiations. We would like to recall the theme of the Commission’s current trade strategy, which is ‘trade for all’. We recognise the importance of opening overseas markets for EU products. But the EU’s [...]

15 05, 2018

CEFS, CIBE & EFFAT react to the conclusion of the EU-Mexico negotiations

By |2018-05-15T08:55:59+00:00May 15th, 2018|

CEFS, CIBE and EFFAT take note of the conclusion of the EU-Mexico negotiations, in particular the offer of a sugar import quota to Mexico of 30,000 tonnes of sugar at 49 EUR/tonne duty to be phased in over a period of three years. The unprecedented step the Commission has taken to introduce an in-quota duty [...]

9 05, 2018

The EU sugar market situation: an unprecedented price decline

By |2018-05-09T14:07:18+00:00May 9th, 2018|

At 372 EUR/tonne in February 2018, the EU average white sugar price is currently at its lowest level since the establishment of the European Commission Price Reporting System in July 2006, and down by more than 25 per cent since August 2017. It is almost ten per cent below the white sugar reference threshold, [...]

8 05, 2018

CEFS is recruiting a Junior Scientific & Regulatory Affairs Officer for Food Law, Animal Feed and Beet Questions Department

By |2018-05-08T15:32:23+00:00May 8th, 2018|

Junior Scientific & Regulatory Affairs Officer for Food Law, Animal Feed and Beet Questions Department CEFS – Comité Européen des Fabricants de Sucre (European Association of Sugar Manufacturers) Brussels – Belgium CEFS stands for le Comité Européen des Fabricants de Sucre, or in English: the European Association of Sugar Manufacturers. CEFS is an international non-profit organisation [...]