European Association
of Sugar Manufacturers

European Association
of Sugar Manufacturers

10 10, 2022

CEFS DG new article: EU-Australia FTA negotiations: What is at stake for the EU Sugar Market?

By |2022-10-10T14:49:52+00:00October 10th, 2022|

In the coming months the EU is expected to finalise a Free Trade Agreement (FTA) with one of the largest net sugar exporters on the world market: Australia. For both parties, sugar has been characterised as a sensitive product and hasn’t yet been discussed. But Australia is pushing hard for more access to the EU [...]

6 09, 2022

CEFS DG new article: Sortir du carcan règlementaire pour regagner notre souveraineté alimentaire en assurant durablement notre indépendance énergétique.

By |2022-09-06T12:41:16+00:00September 6th, 2022|

Au fil des années le secteur du sucre ambitieux et performant s’est trouvé enserré par un carcan règlementaire à toutes les étapes de sa production. Plus récemment le Pacte vert et ses deux composantes « De la fourche à la fourchette » et « Fit for 55 » vont rajouter dans leur forme actuelle des [...]

1 09, 2022

CEFS DG new article: Escaping the regulatory straitjacket to regain our food sovereignty by sustainably ensuring our energy independence.

By |2022-09-01T14:45:23+00:00September 1st, 2022|

Over the years the sugar sector has been increasingly constrained by a regulatory straitjacket covering all stages of production. More recently, the Green Deal and its two components “Farm to Fork” and “Fit for 55” threaten to add multiple constraints that risk clashing with the formidable consequences of the Covid crisis and the Ukrainian war. [...]