CEFS Contribution: EU Clean Industrial Deal
JOINT STATEMENT European agricultural stakeholders call for a carefully balanced approach to any potential further trade liberalisation with Ukraine As the European Commission prepares to present its objectives to the Council on future negotiations for the trade liberalisation with Ukraine sometime this month, EU agricultural associations of key affected sectors are urging caution and [...]
JOINT PRESS RELEASE EU BEET SUGAR SECTOR SOLD OUT TO MERCOSUR. Friday, 06 December 2024 - The European Association of Sugar Manufacturers (CEFS) and the International Confederation of European Sugar Beet Growers (CIBE) strongly oppose the conclusion of the EU-Mercosur Association Agreement. The agreement will have a damaging impact on the EU’s homegrown beet sugar [...]
JOINT PRESS RELEASE “Leading European agri-food organisations call for reciprocity standards in Mercosur agreement to ensure fair trade, fair competition and consumer protection” Brussels, [Tuesday 26th, November 2024]– Following the recent acceleration of EU-Mercosur trade negotiations and with the next potentially decisive round scheduled this week, our eight organisations, representing European farmers and manufacturers, [...]