IN THE FIELD: Sugar beet is always grown in rotation with other field crops, which helps conserve soil fertility and reduce levels of soil-borne pathogens and pests. 

We are committed to making more progress with the EU Beet Sugar Sustainability Partnership.

IN THE FACTORY: Between 1990 and 2021 the sugar sector reduced CO2 emissions by 59%. We are committed to climate neutrality by 2050.

To find out more, click here to access our new Climate Neutrality Toolbox.

BEET PULP: The key to decarbonisation. Beet pulp is a readily-available residue that contains enough energy to meet the needs of sugar production. It will help us get to net zero.

Click here to find out how.

ZERO WASTE: The EU beet sugar uses every part of the sugar beet to produce a wide range of products in addition to sugar.