European Association
of Sugar Manufacturers

European Association
of Sugar Manufacturers

  • Making the Sugar World a Better Place - the EU sugar industry CSR report for 2014

    Prepared jointly by EFFAT (trade unions representing employees) and CEFS (representing employers), the EU Sugar industry CSR report 2014 is now available. You can access the full .pdf report here.  

  • Facts about Sugars

    Over recent years, a debate has arisen over the amount of sugars people should eat and the potential effects sugars may have on health. Supporting the provision of clear information on sugars in line with today’s established scientific evidence, CEFS, together with the other sector associations CAOBISCO, PROFEL, Starch Europe and UNESDA, produced the following […]

  • European sugar social partners call on the European Commission to take action to alleviate the current sugar market crisis

    At their recent social dialogue plenary meeting, the social partners CEFS and EFFAT, representing respectively employers and workers of the European sugar sector, expressed their concerns about the difficult economic situation that the sector is facing, with many social risks and economic uncertainties ahead of the end of the quota system in 2017. The social […]

  • EU sugar producers respond to new WHO guideline on sugars intake for adults and children

    The European Committee of Sugar Manufacturers (CEFS),[1] representing the European sugar producing sector, takes note of the new WHO (World Health Organisation) Guideline on Sugars Intake for Adults and Children, and supports the scientific debate on sugars and health. We note the clarification in the report that WHO has retained its recommendation that “free sugars” […]

  • CEFS member of the newly formed EU Bioeconomy Alliance

    On the occasion of its launch at the European Parliament on 04 February, the European Bioeconomy Alliance (EBA) calls for more predictable policies leading to a long-term strategy for a competitive, dynamic and sustainable bioeconomy in Europe. Developing the bioeconomy is only feasible if the EU provides a holistic, coherent and harmonised framework in a […]

  • The Inconvenient Truth about Sugar Consumption (it’s not what you think)

  • Making the sugar world a better place - the EU sugar industry CSR report 2013 is now available

    This is the 11th annual implementation report of the CSR Code of Conduct signed in 2003 by the European Federation of Trade Unions in the Food, Agriculture and Tourism sectors (EFFAT) and the European Association of Sugar Producers (CEFS). The EU Sugar Industry CSR Report is adopted through an extensive consultation process whose purpose is […]

  • CEFS comments to the draft WHO Guideline on Sugars Intake for Adults and Children

    CEFS welcomes the launch of the public consultation to review the draft guideline issued by the World Health Organisation Nutrition Guidance Expert Advisory Group. CEFS responded to the consultation through the formal process. CEFS holds the view that only strong, convincing scientific evidence should be considered for guidelines on nutrition and health. The comments submitted by CEFS can be […]

  • Sustainability Partnership on EU Beet Sugar - Public Announcement

    The European beet growers (CIBE), sugar producers (CEFS) and trade unions of the food and agriculture sector (EFFAT) have formalised a landmark agreement to jointly highlight and report on representative Good Practices of sustainable production of beet sugar in the EU. To find out more about the new partnership, you can click here.

  • "Political agreement on sugar should have gone further" say sugar manufacturers

    Following the political agreement on the CAP reform on 26 June 2013, CEFS (Comité Européen des Fabricants de Sucre) is disappointed that after difficult discussions the end date for the current Single CMO for sugar is not closer to the Parliament’s original position of 2020. The end of the current Single CMO for sugar marks […]

  • CEFS-CIBE Leaflet on Environmental Sustainability in GERMAN

    Diese Broschüre fasst das gemeinsame Engagement von CIBE und CEFS zur Stärkung der ökologischen Nachhaltigkeit in der EU-Zuckerwirtschaft zusammen und informiert über die erreichten Ergebnisse. Ein umfangreicher Bericht mit weiteren Details und Fallbeispielen wird auf den Internet Seiten von CIBE und CEFS zur Verfügung gestellt. Mehr dazu.

  • CEFS-CIBE Leaflet on Environmental Sustainability in FRENCH

    Cette brochure présente de façon synthétique les efforts communs réalisés par la CIBE et le CEFS pour évaluer et améliorer la durabilité environnementale du secteur betterave-sucre de l'UE, avec l'objectif de partager leurs résultats. Une publication plus complète et plus détaillée sera disponible sur les sites web de la CIBE et du CEFS (à partir […]

  • The European Flour Millers join the Primary Food Processors (PFP)

    The European Flour Millers’ association has joined the Primary Food Processors (PFP), the new European food industry organisation representing the first‐processing sectors in Brussels. With some 45 million tones of common wheat and rye processed in the EU each year, the European flour milling industry is the largest single food user of EU domestic wheat […]