CEFS DG new article: Sortir du carcan règlementaire pour regagner notre souveraineté alimentaire en assurant durablement notre indépendance énergétique.
Au fil des années le secteur du sucre ambitieux et performant s’est trouvé enserré par un carcan règlementaire à toutes les étapes de sa production. Plus récemment le Pacte vert et ses deux composantes « De la fourche à la fourchette » et « Fit for 55 » vont rajouter dans leur forme actuelle des […]
CEFS DG new article: Escaping the regulatory straitjacket to regain our food sovereignty by sustainably ensuring our energy independence.
Over the years the sugar sector has been increasingly constrained by a regulatory straitjacket covering all stages of production. More recently, the Green Deal and its two components “Farm to Fork” and “Fit for 55” threaten to add multiple constraints that risk clashing with the formidable consequences of the Covid crisis and the Ukrainian war. […]
European Parliament calls for no concessions on sugar in EU-India trade talks
On 5 July 2022 the European Parliament plenary adopted its report on EU-India future trade and investment cooperation. In the light of the WTO’s ruling condemning India’s sugar subsidies, the European Parliament called for no EU concessions on sugar in the ongoing trade negotiations with India. Read our press statement here.
How the EU sugar sector's decarbonisation can support EU food and energy security
As part of our annual congress in Bratislava CEFS today hosted a roundtable discussion on how the EU sugar sector's decarbonisation can support EU food and energy security. Speakers included MEP Alexander Bernhuber MEP (EPP, Austria), Dr. Andreas Schneider from the Cabinet of Agriculture Commissioner Janusz Wojciechowski, Martin Pitorák, Director of Fuels and Energy at […]
How the EU sugar sector's decarbonisation can support EU food and energy security
As part of our annual congress in Bratislava CEFS today hosted a roundtable discussion on how the EU sugar sector's decarbonisation can support EU food and energy security. Speakers included MEP Alexander Bernhuber MEP (EPP, Austria), Dr. Andreas Schneider from the Cabinet of Agriculture Commissioner Janusz Wojciechowski, Martin Pitorák, Director of Fuels and Energy at […]
REPowerEU: How the self-use of biomass residues can support energy independence
On 18 May 2022 the Commission published its REPowerEU Plan. It identifies the scaling up of biomethane as key to reducing EU reliance on Russian gas and reiterates the target set in March: 35 billion cubic metres of EU biomethane production by 2030. The plan lists a set of actions to achieve this goal: an […]
European Sugar Statistics Report for the Marketing Year 2020/21
We have published our CEFS European Sugar Statistics Report for the Marketing Year 2020/21. The document will present key statistics and figures on the EU Sugar Sector, many of which are only collected by CEFS. It is the first time CEFS has published its statistics in this format. We hope that it will provide useful […]