Joint Statement - CEFS and EFFAT Raise the Alarm on Mercosur — Again
Press statement - CEFS and CIBE oppose any further concessions on sugar imports from india
Press statement - Clean Industrial Deal & Affordable Energy Action Plan: a First Step, but Energy-Intensive Primary Food Processing Must Not Be Forgotten in Future Initiatives
Press statement - Vision for Agriculture & Food Fails to Acknowledge the Critical Role of Primary Food Processing
Joint Statement: European agricultural stakeholders call for a carefully balanced approach to any potential further trade liberalisation with Ukraine
Joint Press Release: EU Beet Sugar Sector Sold Out to Mercosur
Joint Press Release: “Leading European agri-food organisations call for reciprocity standards in Mercosur agreement to ensure fair trade, fair competition and consumer protection”
Position Statement: European farmers and livestock Producers raise concerns on production standards and demand reassessment of EU-Mercosur trade deal
Joint Statement - EU-Mercosur agreement: A “compensation Fund” for farmers that sparks more concern than reassurance
Joint Press Release: Serious Concerns Over The EU-Mercorsur Trade Agreement
Joint Press Release: With the elections under the table, the Mercosur deal is back on the menu – much to our discontent
Press statement - Strategic Dialogue Report: Towards a more pragmatic approach to Agri-Food?
Joint statement - Just transition in the EU beet sugar sector
Joint Statement - Formal approval of the Ukraine ATMs – EU institutions will have to do better for the revision of the association agreement!
The EU Sugar Industry Corporate Social Responsibility Report 2022-23
Joint Statement - Latest agreement on Ukraine ATMs – Limited progress that doesn’t reflect EP Plenary position
Joint Statement - The AGRI Committee vote proves that a compromise is possible on Ukraine ATMs, INTA must draw inspiration from this
Joint Statement - Ukraine ATMs - Trilogue compromise fails to address farmers and manufacturers' concerns
Joint Statement - Council compromise on Ukraine ATMs – Only a half step forward in the right direction
CEFS European Sugar Statistics Report for the Marketing Year 2022/23
Press statement - The Council has chosen to ignore farmers' concerns regarding Ukraine ATMs, it is now imperative for the European Parliament to take action
Joint Statement - The EU is at a crossroads with the Ukrainian agricultural issue
Joint Press Statement - Ukraine ATMs: European Commission’s new proposal will not provide sufficient relief for affected producers
Press Statement - Agricultural sector must not become a reason for wavering support to Ukraine
CIBE-CEFS Press Statement - SUR rejected by the European Parliament
CEFS Director General Article - Compétitivité agricole et industrielle du secteur
CEFS Director General Article - Agricultural and industrial competitiveness of the EU beet sugar sector key factors
CIBE-CEFS Press Statement - Regulation on plants obtained by certain NGTs
Press Statement - European sugar sector on the way to carbon neutrality
Press Statement - CEFS congress celebrates 70 years with reflections on decarbonisation and agricultural competitiveness
Open letter: EU sugar sector calls on Member States to reject any opening of the EU sugar market to Australia
Press Statement - Unfit for purpose: The European Commission's proposal for a sustainable use of plant protection products regulation
Press Statement - Publication of European Sugar Statistics Report for the marketing year 2021-22
CEFS European Sugar Statistics Report for the Marketing Year 2021/22
Open Letter - EU trade policy must not abandon the beet sugar sector
CEFS Position on the Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation
CEFS Position on the proposal for a regulation on the Certification of Carbon Removals
Press Statement on the CJEU Ruling on the Emergency Use of Banned Neonic Insecticides
CEFS Infoposter on the RED III and the EU sugar sector's decarbonisation
CEFS position on the proposed Sustainable Use of Pesticides Regulation
Sortir du carcan règlementaire pour regagner notre souveraineté alimentaire en assurant durablement notre indépendance énergétique.
Escaping the regulatory straitjacket to regain our food sovereignty by sustainably ensuring our energy independence.
Committee adopts pragmatic approach to Renewable Energy Directive Revision
European Parliament calls for no concessions on sugar in EU-India trade talks
How the EU sugar sector's decarbonisation can support EU food and energy security
REPowerEU: How the self-use of biomass residues can support energy independence
A transforming European sugar industry - New and better jobs in a competitive, sustainable and innovative industry
The EU Sugar Industry Corporate Social Responsibility Report 2020-21
Press Statement - Canada reduces Anti-Subsidy Duties on EU Sugar
Press Statement on the Commission's Communication on safeguarding food security and reinforcing the resilience of food systems
Press Statement on RePowerEU: Joint European action for more affordable, secure and sustainable energy
CEFS Press Statement on the Final EFSA Scientific Opinion on the Tolerable Upper Intake Level for Dietary Sugars
CEFS European Sugar Statistics Report for the Marketing Year 2020/21
Press Statement: Energy Taxation Directive Revision - CEFS Position
Press Statement: CEFS Reaction to UK's New Raw Sugar Autonomous Tariff Quota
CEFS Press Statement: EU Trade Policy Review must create a level-playing field internally and globally
CEFS Annual Sugar Marketing Year Statistics Brochure: 2019/20 Edition
Sugar Social Dialogue Plenary - EU policies need to be coherent to ensure a just transition
Reformulation: after the focus on individual nutrients, calorie reduction should be the new priority
EU Nutrient Profiles cannot protect consumers from deceptive claims
CEFS position on front-of-pack labelling: The Nutri-Score can be a tool but should not outshine back-of-pack information
CEFS position paper: the path to carbon neutrality by 2050 must be supported by solid legal and financial tools
EU Biofuels Chain joint position paper on 2030 climate ambitions
EU sugar manufacturers' contribution to Farm to Fork and Biodiversity Strategies
CEFS provides information complementing the 2019 EAT-Lancet Commission Report
Agriculture and Progress Breakfast conference on Integrated Pest Management & Plant Protection: Matching ambition, realism and innovation in the Farm-to-Fork strategy
Agriculture and Progress Breakfast conference on Integrated Pest Management & Plant Protection: Matching ambition, realism and innovation in the Farm-to-Fork strategy
CEFS-EFFAT brochure on Corporate Social Responsibility in the EU sugar industry
CEFS position on the Commission proposal to extend the ban on neonicotinoids to sugar beet
The EU-Mercosur negotiations: in defence of the 98 EUR/tonne duty
CEFS' answer to public consultation on "voluntary" origin labelling
CEFS' key messages on colour-coded front-of-pack nutrition labelling schemes
CEFS position on the modernisation of the EU-Mexico trade agreement
A Life Cycle Assessment of beet sugar production in the European Union
European beet sugar sector launches new sustainability collaboration
Making the sugar world a better place’ – The EU Sugar Industry CSR Report 2015 is now available
Bioeconomy 2.0 will help lead the EU's renewable energy revolution
CEFS welcomes the European Parliament's ITRE Committee vote on ETS
CEFS and CIBE react to the JRC study on the cumulative impact of future FTAs on agriculture
EU sugar producers react to EFSA’s announcement of an upcoming Scientific Opinion on added sugars
CEFS and six other EU associations stand against temporary market management measures
CEFS-EFFAT Joint Declaration on President Juncker’s Industrial Policy Strategy
CEFS calls for consistent trade and import policies for the European Sugar Sector
CEFS-CIBE-EFFAT & ACP joint statement to extend sugar production quotas
Joint Statement - CEFS and EFFAT Raise the Alarm on Mercosur — Again
Press statement - CEFS and CIBE oppose any further concessions on sugar imports from india
Press statement - Clean Industrial Deal & Affordable Energy Action Plan: a First Step, but Energy-Intensive Primary Food Processing Must Not Be Forgotten in Future Initiatives
Press statement - Vision for Agriculture & Food Fails to Acknowledge the Critical Role of Primary Food Processing
CEFS Contribution: EU Clean Industrial Deal
CEFS Contribution: EU Vision for Agriculture and Food
Joint Statement: European agricultural stakeholders call for a carefully balanced approach to any potential further trade liberalisation with Ukraine
Joint Press Release: EU Beet Sugar Sector Sold Out to Mercosur
Joint Press Release: “Leading European agri-food organisations call for reciprocity standards in Mercosur agreement to ensure fair trade, fair competition and consumer protection”
Position Statement: European farmers and livestock Producers raise concerns on production standards and demand reassessment of EU-Mercosur trade deal
Joint Statement - EU-Mercosur agreement: A “compensation Fund” for farmers that sparks more concern than reassurance
Joint Press Release: Serious Concerns Over The EU-Mercorsur Trade Agreement
Joint Press Release: With the elections under the table, the Mercosur deal is back on the menu – much to our discontent
Press statement - Strategic Dialogue Report: Towards a more pragmatic approach to Agri-Food?
Joint Statement - Formal approval of the Ukraine ATMs – EU institutions will have to do better for the revision of the association agreement!
The EU Sugar Industry Corporate Social Responsibility Report 2022-23
Joint Statement - Latest agreement on Ukraine ATMs – Limited progress that doesn’t reflect EP Plenary position
Joint Statement - The AGRI Committee vote proves that a compromise is possible on Ukraine ATMs, INTA must draw inspiration from this
Joint Statement - Ukraine ATMs - Trilogue compromise fails to address farmers and manufacturers' concerns
Joint Statement - Council compromise on Ukraine ATMs – Only a half step forward in the right direction
CEFS European Sugar Statistics Report for the Marketing Year 2022/23
Press statement - The Council has chosen to ignore farmers' concerns regarding Ukraine ATMs, it is now imperative for the European Parliament to take action
Joint Statement - The EU is at a crossroads with the Ukrainian agricultural issue
Joint Press Statement - Ukraine ATMs: European Commission’s new proposal will not provide sufficient relief for affected producers
Press Statement - Agricultural sector must not become a reason for wavering support to Ukraine
CEFS Director General Article - Compétitivité agricole et industrielle du secteur
CEFS Director General Article - Agricultural and industrial competitiveness of the EU beet sugar sector key factors
CIBE-CEFS Press Statement - Regulation on plants obtained by certain NGTs
Press Statement - European sugar sector on the way to carbon neutrality
Press Statement - CEFS congress celebrates 70 years with reflections on decarbonisation and agricultural competitiveness
Open letter: EU sugar sector calls on Member States to reject any opening of the EU sugar market to Australia
Press Statement - Unfit for purpose: The European Commission's proposal for a sustainable use of plant protection products regulation
Press Statement - Publication of European Sugar Statistics Report for the marketing year 2021-22
CEFS European Sugar Statistics Report for the Marketing Year 2021/22
CEFS-EFFAT Position - Mirror Clauses in Sugar Trade
CEFS Position on the Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation
CEFS Position on the proposal for a regulation on the Certification of Carbon Removals
Press Statement on the CJEU Ruling on the Emergency Use of Banned Neonic Insecticides
CEFS Infoposter on the RED III and the EU sugar sector's decarbonisation
CEFS position on the proposed Sustainable Use of Pesticides Regulation
A mixed bag: European Parliament vote on the RED revision
Sortir du carcan règlementaire pour regagner notre souveraineté alimentaire en assurant durablement notre indépendance énergétique.
Escaping the regulatory straitjacket to regain our food sovereignty by sustainably ensuring our energy independence.
Committee adopts pragmatic approach to Renewable Energy Directive Revision
European Parliament calls for no concessions on sugar in EU-India trade talks
How the EU sugar sector's decarbonisation can support EU food and energy security
REPowerEU: How the self-use of biomass residues can support energy independence
A transforming European sugar industry - New and better jobs in a competitive, sustainable and innovative industry
The EU Sugar Industry Corporate Social Responsibility Report 2020-21
CEFS Statistics 2020/21
Press Statement on the Commission's Communication on safeguarding food security and reinforcing the resilience of food systems
Press Statement on RePowerEU: Joint European action for more affordable, secure and sustainable energy
CEFS Press Statement on the Final EFSA Scientific Opinion on the Tolerable Upper Intake Level for Dietary Sugars
CEFS European Sugar Statistics Report for the Marketing Year 2020/21
Press Statement: Energy Taxation Directive Revision - CEFS Position
Press Statement: CEFS Reaction to UK's New Raw Sugar Autonomous Tariff Quota
CEFS Press Statement: EU Trade Policy Review must create a level-playing field internally and globally
CEFS Annual Sugar Marketing Year Statistics Brochure: 2019/20 Edition
Taxonomie, réconcilier économie virtuelle et économie réelle
Taxonomy, Reconciling the virtual economy with the real economy
Sugar Social Dialogue Plenary - EU policies need to be coherent to ensure a just transition
CEFS webinar on Implementing the Climate Law: press release
CEFS position paper on the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism
Reformulation: after the focus on individual nutrients, calorie reduction should be the new priority
CEFS position on front-of-pack labelling: The Nutri-Score can be a tool but should not outshine back-of-pack information
CEFS position paper: the path to carbon neutrality by 2050 must be supported by solid legal and financial tools
EU Biofuels Chain joint position paper on 2030 climate ambitions
EU sugar manufacturers' contribution to Farm to Fork and Biodiversity Strategies
CEFS provides information complementing the 2019 EAT-Lancet Commission Report
The EU Sugar Industry at a Glance
Agriculture and Progress Breakfast conference on Integrated Pest Management & Plant Protection: Matching ambition, realism and innovation in the Farm-to-Fork strategy
Agriculture and Progress Breakfast conference on Integrated Pest Management & Plant Protection: Matching ambition, realism and innovation in the Farm-to-Fork strategy
Value Chain Joint Letter- Novel genomic techniques (Jan 2020)
CEFS-EFFAT brochure on Corporate Social Responsibility in the EU sugar industry
CEFS position on the Commission proposal to extend the ban on neonicotinoids to sugar beet
Sustaining Livelihoods - the EU sugar industry CSR report 2017
CEFS' key messages on colour-coded front-of-pack nutrition labelling schemes
EESC opinion - industrial change in the EU beet sugar industry
A Life Cycle Assessment of beet sugar production in the European Union
Brochure on the environmental impacts of EU beet sugar
European beet sugar sector launches new sustainability collaboration
Making the sugar world a better place’ – The EU Sugar Industry CSR Report 2015 is now available
Bioeconomy 2.0 will help lead the EU's renewable energy revolution
CEFS welcomes the European Parliament's ITRE Committee vote on ETS
CEFS and CIBE react to the JRC study on the cumulative impact of future FTAs on agriculture
EU sugar producers react to EFSA’s announcement of an upcoming Scientific Opinion on added sugars
CEFS and six other EU associations stand against temporary market management measures
CEFS-EFFAT Joint Declaration on President Juncker’s Industrial Policy Strategy
CEFS calls for consistent trade and import policies for the European Sugar Sector
CEFS-CIBE-EFFAT & ACP joint statement to extend sugar production quotas